Comedyville is a Montreal Comedy Club and a comedy production company, specializing in theme-based and professional shows and events.
Thinking of organizing an event? We can help! Above all, we have been organizing all sorts of events since 2009. Most importantly, Comedyville has done it all, from groups, corporate and birthdays to bachelor and bachelorette parties.
“Somebody help me, I’m being spontaneous!”
Truman Burbank
In addition, we are a talent management agency for hiring comedians for our weekend stand-up shows and private live comedy events.
Moreover, if you’re a comedian, don’t hesitate to add yourself to Comedyville’s talent database, because, you simply never know.
In conclusion, we are a premier venue for professional weekend stand-up shows in English.
“I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.”
George Carlin, 1937-2008
live stand up shows
delivering laughs since 2009
A Comedy Club in the heart of downtown Montreal. Comedyville is the premier venue for professional weekend stand up shows.